Its a cool idea, sounds like your talking about lucid dreams and how to control them, but wouldnt you only get to dream when your body produces a dreaming hormone?i think its called melatonin or something similar.A good idea would be to see if you can get in to the state of mind when lucid dreams occur most frequently and try to extend the time you stay in that state,so instead of focusing primarily on lucid dreams you should try and control how long you last in that mind state. Although your not probably going to be conciose when you try it during sleep but if you try it after you were rested like being in sleep paralysis or maybe take short wake ups in between the dream and see how long you can hold that mind state.It could even be used to take that mind state further into the lower frequencie ranges and see how long you can last there.Like lets say if you wake up in the middle of a dream and your mind is in the theta frequencie range, then see how long you can keep your mind conciose while drifting into the delta state, after much practice you should be able to last longer.
this may be slightly confusing since being in certain mind states alows you to have better awarness, in other words since awareness is largely conciosness you should focuse maybe on your sences and how you feel,etc when drifting to a dream and see how long you can control your awarness of your sences until you black out in deep dreamless sleep.,or just rem sleep.
This post has been edited by AstralFlare: Nov 8 2006, 08:43 PM