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 Paralasis, Just some weirdness
post Jul 4 2013, 11:38 AM
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Well i'm quite sure most of you have experienced this as some point.

It's something i don't ever remember doing to anyone, but this is what i know.

A long time ago i tried to raise a fly from the dead, it didn't work but as part of the process i attempted to embue said fly with vamperic powers so that it may do.. I tried hard but alas, the fly stayed quite dead an i gave up.

A few days later however and i had a very weird experience.
I was lying on a beanbag half asleep when i woke up paralysed with a buzing noise around me, at first i was a bit anoyed but soon realised what was going on. Because i felt quite relaxed an not that bothered about the fly i tryed a different method of getting out of the paralysis. It became apparent that the reason i was paralysed was because the vibrational rate of my woken body was far greater than the slow ticking of my conscious mind.. while inwardly aware and externally aware it was like the middle part was far to slow so i slowly upped the frequency to max an the paralysis stopped entirely.

Now while methods to get out of paralysis are probably varied and many, having seen it from this perspective show's how the effect could be reproduced quite easily, especially on a sleeping target.

I was very grateful to my little friend.

Not rocket science but interesting none the less.

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