Greetings Sleepyman!
There are a few people here that have read Bardon and fewer still who've had the patience to follow his methods precisely....but rather fall back on authors like Carroll or Hines etc. which have gathered together the innate principles of the method and distilled them down to be 'user friendly' and throwing out the authors original morality and 'dogma'....which can be unfortunate, at times, as these principles have their own lessons...but I digress.
Question One:
Create the fluid condenser. Add your blood/mumiae. Saturate the cotton wool with the fluid mixture. Seal the vessel. Note: You needn't use cotton wool but could use parchment that has the intent drawn on it with the condenser, OR, saturate the parchment with condenser, let dry thoroughly, draw your intent/sigil with ink-or-condenser. Place parchment into the hollow that would hold the wool.
Note: You may not wish to create a material form for these exercises.... But, the reason for doing so firmly entrenches the creation in the mind of the magician. I find that the physical creation also helps in the materializing of the entity created...much more on this at another time...
Question Two:
Bardon was of an era that was steeped in older Theosophic Ideas....The idea that someone could suffer harm by being touched was speaking about trance mediums when they are exuding 'ectoplasm' or nephesh material. The subsequent shock to the system can be lethal at the extremes to mildly jarring. A pointed psychic attack upon a projecting person could conceivably disrupt the silver cord. Usually the worse thing that can happen if one is touched or jarred whilst projecting is an uncomfortable 'recall' to the body...resulting in a heavy adrenaline rush, aches and pains and a headache... Your entity vessel shouldn't be touched by anyone (but you) is because their energy(ies) can disrupt the delicate forces making up your construct. It won't cause the entity to die but it can cause a backlash that will 'hurt'/'affect' you....remember that by making this construct you have created a material link to yourself. Note: This is why modern authors prefer to make the entity by mental energy this does away with the sympathetic material link.
Question Three:
This is basically answered in #2 but you must realize that the entity is 'yours' and you must call it back. You needn't give it an end date but rather make it so that its demise will coincide with the performing of its task. You may handle the clay?whatever creation whenever you wish to see what it is doing or how far has it progressed in its task. You may call it to you and integrate its thoughts/findings to you directly or you may use the material link to see what it sees at any given time. Your touch will not destrot the entity! It is part of you.!!!!!
Question Four:
I would absorb the essence in toto if the entity was created from my energy(ies). This may not be the case however. After absorbing the knowledge that you require from the entity, scatter or dissolve the energies back to where you drew them from. Its like cremation. In fact, if you use a parchment instead of the wool this can be actualized by burning the parchment. The mental/astral components of the entity were constructed by you and must be destroyed/dissolved by you. In modern servitor creation, quite often, the astral/mental thoughtforms are not destroyed and left to slowly fade away......but they don't always do that. They can, if conditions are right, find a host to garner energy and become parasitical astral lifgeforms that clutter up the lower astral. They can also have the potential to grow and become a much larger nuissance! Clean up after yourselves!
I hope that I haven't confused the issues. There are many different approaches to the Creation of Elementaries (Servitors). Remember the few basic laws of magic and some good common sense. Keep your lab/workspace in whatever passes for order in your world and Happy Trails! (IMG:
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