Okay, so I saw your topic and I couldn’t resist.
I don’t know what you meant by “secrecy in the faery realms”, as the beings that were encountered never once indicated that we maintain any kind of secrecy. Nor have any of the books I’ve read mention anything about secrecy and indirectness. So I see no reason to not be as direct as possible.
It all started after I read Marko Pogacnik’s book, “Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings”, which had a profound effect on me and, as I was to find out, on my life. Soon after I finished the book, I was out in the forest with my fiance, Elizabeth, who had recently discovered her abilities as a powerful clarivoyant and trance-worker. After a long battle, she had succesfully found the other side of the coin of her schizophrania: the gift of mediumship.
Anyway, as we were pushing her daughter on a tree-swing, I told her that the book had given me the idea to meditate while hugging or leaning into a tree. I asked if she wanted to try it, and wondered if perhaps she could communicate with any of the “fauns”, or in-dwelling tree spirits. She had had only vague and uncertain experiences with any kind of spirit before (except for an attack, which I won’t go into here).
She agreed, so I continued pushing Guin, her daughter, on the swing, while she went and leaned her head aginst the tree and put her arms around it. She told me later of an immediate response from the tree.
It was three years ago, and I didn’t journal that first one, so she doesn’t clearly remember the being she saw (as the encounters are like very dense dreams), but she does remember this deep, bellowing, rumbling laughter bubbling up and out of the tree into her. She said it was like the laugh of The Lord of Darkness from the movie, Legend, but not evil or bad in any way; just powerful.
Now I know this is going to sound unbelievable, but its true. She can communicate with them at will now. Any time she likes, she can go and lean her head against the tree and become an open channel between the two worlds. There’s a few remarkable tales, and some very interesting communications, and if anyone is interested, let me know, and I’ll post a few.
There really is intelligent life out there, folks, and you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home planet, or even your backyard.
Peace out Flyingmojo
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." Einstein