An exercise in mindfulness extended to noticing what is around you. Having become aware of your own breathing, moving body and footsteps, tune into your senses, noticing what you can hear around you, close your eyes whilst doing this and having picked up the obvious noises, fade them out and aim to pick up the back ground or distant sounds - you will be surprised at how many there are.
Next, open your eyes and try to connect the sounds with what you see - you will notice that some connections cannot be made as some sounds have come from behind walls or buildings or are inside them.
Smell the air, is it aromatic, unpleasant, natural or chemical? Notice if you can see or hear where the smells are coming from; try closing your eyes and note if the smells appear stronger.
Lastly, touch different textures and again, try doing this with your eyes closed, noticing what you think and feel.
Try these exercises indoors and outside.
This is a wonderful way to notice just how integrated we are into our physical world and how much goes unnoticed too.