How To Summon Enki, Some spells I wrote by which you can work with my master. |
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UnKnown1 |
Apr 26 2006, 03:18 AM
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The holy angel BANDAR.
Here I wish to tell of my experience with working with this great and noble spirit. Others experience may differ and vary from mine as will be explained herein.
Let’s first look at what is written by the mad Arab. Much is written to evidently warn of the secrecy and sacredness of the ritual. It is put with a touch of dread that would make the unworthy fear to conjure such a dark angel. Sometimes the grimores say the opposite of what is actually intended. A guard if you will of that sacred magick. That it should be hidden from those unworthy and unchaste. It is hard to dechiper what the mad arab is not telling us about the Bandar. Indeed he seems a bit tight lipped about the Bandar which is the very heart and life of the system. Having given us the formulae to call Bandar and warning us sternly of the dangers he tells us little else. Except "Take what I have written here and discover the rest" rings loudly in my ears!
The normal invocation of the watcher calls the watcher from the fires of hell. The watcher is much like the angel race called Sepiroth fierce angels who guard the demons in hell and who guarded the Arc of the covenant. They are not happy angels. They are war like and fierce. However; not of a bad nature. They are serious as they have a very serious task. They differ from the race of ministering angels such as Michael and Gabriel. These are warriors simular to the race of Azrael the holy angel of death. If you break the covenant and work magick against the will of ENKI the BANDAR will turn on you.
"Whom no man has seen at any time. Whom no wizard has ever called. I call thee here now." This invocation of calling is meant to call a unique spirit special for the wizard who is summoning it. If that man has an evil mind something more akin a demon might come. This spirit will demand blood but none should be given to it. It should be banished. <That is if you screw up and summon an un-holy Bandar which does not abide by the covenant sworn between the race of gods and men.>It is fascinating that this ancient system seems simular to that of the more modern Holy Guardian Angel system of modern times.
A time of purification before summoning the watcher for the first time is very important. The body must be pure. The mind must be pure. The heart must be pure. This ensures from the good mental and spiritual state of the sorcerer that a good and kindly watcher like the god that hath made me may stand at my head always <Exorcism of the crown of ANU> A good exorcism to say before calling the Fire God preliminary to summoning the watcher. The Angel called is in some way a reflection of its master the invoker. The watcher is supposed to be banished after the maklu rituals or whatever reason you called the angel is complete. I however never banish mine. This was revealed to me by ENKI through the 7th name ASARULUDU which name greatly resembles ASHARILUDU son of ENKI. The great king of the watchers. Instead the agga mass must be preformed within the space of every three days whether it be night or day not of matter. However night is a good time to try to send the watcher on noble errands. Use it but don’t abuse it. Hopefully you have called a holy one and not an unholy one. If so it will be pleased to embark on any task which it might prove its self vigilant which is right in the eyes of MARDUK.
I have been calling BANDAR an angel and have regarded him as one for quite some time. However after hearing the master sage SIMON’S thoughts I have come to the realization that BANDAR although sharing many qualities of the Sepiroth the BANDAR is not an angel. The BANDAR belongs closer to the spirit class of the Jinn because like humans BANDAR has free will. SIMON says the Bandar perhaps belongs in a special classification of its own.
If you neglect your BANDAR it will turn on you. The Mad Arab warns us of this in the Necronomicon. The master sage SIMON tells us in the Necronomicon tapes that the BANDAR will turn on us if we neglect the sacrifice. The master sage SIMON has warned me personally that the BANDAR will turn on me if I neglect the sacrifice. Therefore being warned sternly by the master sage let us not neglect our sacrifices unto BANDAR. The proper way to summon your personal BANDAR I will now give. Pg 69 in which the chapter about the watcher begins looks like the sign of Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the moon. It would be wise to summon BANDAR for the first time on the full moon.
Purchase a new bowl which you will use for no other purpose other than to feed BANDAR. With a black fine tipped magick marker such as a sharpie fine point permanent marker write the sign of the arra agga and Bandar as given on page 69. Then write the conjuration of the Aga Mass Ssaratu on pg 71 on the bowl. It would also be wise to write the sign of the 7th name of marduk with his name and word of calling on the bowl. This will help ensure that a good and kindly watcher comes and not a maskim. ASARULUDU’S word of calling is BANMASKIM.
The sacrifice is to be of fresh bread pine resin and lentil. Personally I have never used lentil but am under the impression that inhaling a non toxic amount of the lentil fumes may help your mind in the way of sensing BANDAR’S presence much stronger. I use a different weed which happens to only be legal in the state of California. If you can not find lentil do not worry it is not absolutely necessary but it would be prudent to find it. You do not have to burn pine resin in the bowl. I burn a stick of pine and a stick of sandalwood, incense in place of the resin.
Please turn to pgs 112 – 113. It would be best to make these for use in ritual. However if you are a penniless conjurer, and can not afford to make these then do as follows. For the Crown of Anu stand in the mirror and draw the eight rayed star of ANU / Inanna on your forehead. Then draw the 3 signs on the frontlet of calling in the order given from your chest to your navel. This is for protection. Before drawing the symbols on your body, take a shower or ritual bath. Before the bath recite the prayer on pg 205 through the first six lines of 206. This is similar to the Christian confession for forgiveness’ of sins. You have asked the gods to forgive you for anything against them you might have done with this prayer. After the shower recite the preliminary purification invocation of Inanna on pg 110. In the blanks say your name and then SON OF ENKI.
Now enter your circle or if you have cojones big enough work without one. Without the double circle you will have no protection from BANDAR. However he will take this as a sign of respect and will not turn on you unless you neglect the sacrifices or perhaps do things unlawful such as using the URILLA text. BANDAR will attack you if you break the covenant between you and ENKI. That is if you are the priest of ENKI. If you are Christian or perhaps of some other faith I would strongly recommend that you use the double circle. Only work without the circle if your soul already belongs to ENKI. For the BANDAR will not attack the priest of ENKI unless the priest neglects the lunar sacrifice <at least once every 28 days> or does something unlawful such as using the URILLA text pg 181.
Purchase some gelled chaffing fuel which is flammable jelly sold in small metal cans. Place the can of chafing fuel in the BANDARS bowl and the bread in the bowl so that it will burn when the jelly is ignited.
Take 3 palm full’s of salt and throw them into a separate bowl of salt water. Sprinkle the salt water 60 times about the circle each time you sprinkle say EA which is another name for my master ENKI. Now recite The exorcism of the crown of ANU pg 78. Next say the conjuration of the fire god. Pg 65. As you say KAK-KAM-MANU-NU light the chafing fuel with a match. Use a match and not a lighter as sulfur comes from the earth. Now blow your breath just a tiny bit into the flames without blowing the fire out. So that water, earth, fire and wind have all been respected.
Now recite the normal invocation of the watcher pg 72-73. Then recite the special conjuration of the watcher pg 71 and stab the sword into the ground at the appropriate time.
At this time you should definitely feel the presence of BANDAR. Try to communicate with BANDAR. Make sure that the bread is burned well. BANDAR is usually summoned to perform rites from the MAKLU text pg 76 or when it is desired to enter the gates. BANDAR is banished with the formulae given on pg 73 the license to depart.
Concerning BANDAR’s sword. There are many ceremonial swords which are useful only as wall hangings. A real sword has a full tang a piece of metal which extends into the hilt so that when you strike the sword does not break. Steel is fine but if you know a smithy a sword of made of Iron may have magickal properties of its own better than a mixed metal like steel. Of course a machete is a cheap alternative and works perhaps just as well. Buy an engraving gun and inscribe on it the agga the arra and the Bandar. Also the seal of, Ganzir pg 11 and on the reverse the 3 signs from the frontlet of calling, the eight rayed star of Inanna, and horned moon. A good time to make the sword is on a full moon which is the night of walking but check the positions of the planets <use astrology> and try to pick a favorable time or at least a time when no planets are retrograde. Mars retrograde would be a bad time. Mars on your ascendant would be a good time. Even a lunar eclipse <which happens on full moon> might be an excellent time. I was born on the lunar eclipse of June 4th 1974 with Neptune conjunct moon. Neptune is the planet of ENKI and is the ninth gate. As the prophets such as Jesus, Buddha and Mohammad were born on lunar eclipses you might say that I am the prophet of ENKI.
Now I will give the formulae to work with BANDAR in a higher way than given in the book. Let us note that this is also a much more dangerous way. You should only try this if you are a priest of ENKI. Meaning that your mind heart and soul belong to my master EA. Instead of banishing the BANDAR you can keep him in this plane of existence where he will grow stronger. You will need to keep a candle burning for him 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The best kind of candle to use is a saint candle which is often used when someone dies or someone is in a time of need. BANDAR likes saint candles. With a black marker write the 3 signs pg 69. Then write a prayer for BANDAR on the candle. Example “BANDAR my holy guardian angel grow strong in this world that you may protect me and do whatever is good in the eyes of our master ENKI. You must always keep a candle burning for BANDAR on his altar. You should have a special altar for BANDAR if you are working with him without banishing. Every day you must place fresh bread in his bowl. You will notice that the bread may become rock hard in only the space of one day. Every day you must burn pine and sandalwood incense for BANDAR. Within the space of every 3 days you must perform the Aga Mass Ssaratu. If BANDAR is hungry before then he will let you know by tapping on walls doors and windows. He will also try to communicate with you in this fashion. With all lights off with the exception of his candle you might see strange shapes appear in the shadows behind the candle such as a warrior with a helmet. If you want BANDAR to follow you or in the event you need to summon him for help say BANDAR COME and he will either appear hovering in the air over your back or appear as a dog walking behind you. This will only work if BANDAR is already in the physical world. Otherwise if you need his help you must summon him with the special conjuration pg 71.
Special thanks to the un-official High Priest of the Necronomicon Simon. Who helped me better understand the Holy Bandar.
In the words of Simon.
Good Hunting!
This post has been edited by smasher666: Apr 26 2006, 04:56 AM
UnKnown1 |
Apr 26 2006, 03:46 PM
Posts: 996
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Here is a story with hidding meaning. Enki has a reason for doing everything. As he does in the case of Adappa.
Adapa and the food of life
He (Enki) made broad understanding perfect in him (Adapa), To disclose the design of the land.
To him he gave wisdom, but did not give eternal life. At that time, in those years, he was a sage, son of Eridu.
Enki created him as a protecting spirit among mankind.
A sage - nobody rejects his word - Clever, extra-wise, he was one of the Anunnaki, Holy, pure of hands, the pashishu-priest who always tends the rites.
He does baking with the bakers of Eridu, He does the food and water of Eridu every day, Sets up the offerings table with his pure hands, Without him no offerings table is cleared away.
He takes the boat out and does the fishing for Eridu.
At that time Adapa, the son of Eridu, When he had got the leader Enki out of bed, Used to `feed' the bolt of Eridu every day.
At the holy Kar-usakar he embarked in a sailing-boat And without a rudder his boat would drift, Without a steering-pole he would take his boat out into the broad sea.
South Wind Send him to live in the fishes' home.
"South Wind, though you send your brothers against me, However many there are, I shall break your wing!"
<The south wind is Pazuzu Shaitan Satan.>
No sooner had he uttered these words than South Wind's wing was broken; For seven days South Wind did not blow towards the land.
An called out to his vizier Ilabrat, "Why hasn't the south wind blown towards the land for seven days" His vizier Ilabrat answered him, "My lord, Adapa, the son of Enki has broken South Wind's wing."
When An heard this word, He cried "Heaven help him!", rose up from his throne. "Send for him to be brought here!"
Enki, aware of Heaven's ways, touched him And made him wear his hair unkempt, Clothed him in mourning garb, Gave him instructions, "Adapa, you are to go before king An.
You will go up to Heaven, And when you go up to Heaven, When you approach the gate of An, Dumuzi and Gizzida will be standing in the Gate of An, Will see you, will keep asking you questions, "Young man, on whose behalf do you wear mourning garb?" You must answer: "Two gods have vanished from our country, And that is why I am behaving like this." They will ask: "Who are the two gods that have vanished from the countryside?" You will answer: "They are Dumuzi and Gizzida." "They will look at each other and laugh a lot, Will speak a word in your favor to Anu, Will present you to An in a good mood.
When you stand before An They will hold out for you bread of death, so you must not eat.
They will hold out for you water of death, so you must not drink.
They will hold out a garment for you; so put it on.
They will hold out oil for you; so anoint yourself.
You must not neglect the instructions I have given you; Keep to the words that I have told you."
The envoy of An arrived.
"Send to me Adapa, Who broke the South Wind's wing."
He made him take the way of heaven.
When he came up to heaven, When he approached the Gate of An, Dumuzi and Gizzida were standing in the Gate of An.
They saw Adapa and cried, "Heaven help him! Young man, on whose behalf do you look like this Adapa, on whose behalf do you wear mourning clothes? "Two gods have vanished from the country, and that is why I am wearing mourning clothes."
"Who are the two gods who have vanished from the country" " Dumuzi and Gizzida," Adapa answered. They looked at each other and laughed a lot.
<Here Enki has his priest speak a bit of prophecy surely later it would be as Adappa said>
When Adapa drew near to the presence of King An, An saw him and shouted, "Come here, Adapa! Why did you break South Wind's wind"
Adapa answered An, "My lord, I was catching fish in the middle of the sea, For the house of my lord Enki.
But he inflated the sea into a storm And south wind blew and sank me! I was forced to take up residence in the fishes' home. In my fury, I cursed South Wind."
Dumuzi and Gizzida responded from beside him, Spoke a word in his favor to An. His heart was appeased he grew quiet.
"Why did Enki disclose to wretched mankind The ways of heaven and earth, Give them a heavy heart It was he who did it! What can we do for him.
Fetch him the bread of eternal life and let him eat!"
They fetched him the bread of eternal life, but he would not eat.
They fetched him the water of eternal life, but he would not drink.
They fetched him a garment, and he put it on himself.
They fetched him oil, and he anointed himself.
An watched him and laughed at him.
"Come Adapa, why didn't you eat? Why didn't you drink?" Didn't you want to be immortal? Alas for downtrodden people!"
"But Enki my lord told me: "You mustn't eat! You mustn't drink!"`
Take him and send him back to his earth.
<Adapa was not stupid. He knew that eternal life as a god was being offered to him. They thought Adapa was a great man so they would make him a god to serve them. In truth Adapa was a great god which Enki had made a man. Adapa lives to this day and continues to serve Enki. The chosen nine awaken from slumber.>
This post has been edited by smasher666: Apr 26 2006, 04:08 PM
mystick |
Apr 27 2006, 11:54 PM
Light of Enki
Posts: 451
Age: N/A Gender: Male
From: Where the Horizon stops Reputation: 2 pts
hi Smasher666, Do let us know where you will contine the posts if in case you create a blog.... keep it up as its very interesting and enriching what you have here... i made a print out of the prayers, but i carefully choose what will be suitable to me ..... (IMG: style_emoticons/default/starspin.gif) By the way how you pronounce EA ?
"The foolish disregard Me, when clad in human semblance, ignorant of My supreme nature, the great Lord of beings"
UnKnown1 |
Apr 28 2006, 12:30 AM
Posts: 996
Age: N/A Gender: Male
Reputation: 27 pts
QUOTE(mystick @ Apr 28 2006, 01:54 AM) hi Smasher666, Do let us know where you will contine the posts if in case you create a blog.... keep it up as its very interesting and enriching what you have here... i made a print out of the prayers, but i carefully choose what will be suitable to me ..... (IMG: style_emoticons/default/starspin.gif) By the way how you pronounce EA ? I will make a blog to continue. I think you have to make 30 posts before you are allowed to read blogs. So any one with less than 30 posts will not be able to view it. E is pronounced as E in whey. A is pronounced as A in father. Ea EY-AH. Sounds like something out of an H.P. Lovecraft book. Here is a link to what wikpedia has on Enki / Ea http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enki#Enki.2C_...or_of_Humankind Enk is pronounced EYN-KEE. He was the greatest god to the Sumerians and the most spoken of in their recorded religion. He is also the power behind the Necronomicon. As he is the master of magick he will give you power if you ask it of him.
distillate |
Apr 29 2006, 07:24 PM
My bag of tricks will always make you happy :)
Posts: 206
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QUOTE(smasher666 @ Apr 29 2006, 05:06 AM) QUOTE(distillate @ Apr 29 2006, 04:50 AM) QUOTE(smasher666 @ Apr 29 2006, 04:27 AM) Greetings brother Disilliate. It is a rule here that you must make 30 posts before you are able to view blogs or post a blog yourself. You are only 9 posts away.
Be blessed.
I have the MAQLU TEXT coming translated to english, so I should be racking up the posts soon. You have the Maklu as in the Necronomicon or Maklu as in ancient Sumerian tablet translations coming? The sumerian with comments by Tzvi Abusch.
"We have wandered into a state of prolonged neurosis because of the absence of a direct pipeline to the unconscious and we have then fallen victim to priestcraft of every conceivable sort. "
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