I had the craziest dream lastnight. First off I should mention that I was having trouble falling asleep. My best guess is that it was heavy spiritual activity in my room, I kept picking up on things, and seeing things. When I finally fell asleep I dreamt a really gory dream about a seidr woman (If you don't know what that is, its a woman who does Norse witchcraft, kind of like a Norse shaman). She was a grandmother and she was unhappy with her descendents and she had them all killed, right down to the youngest boy and girl (they were brother and sister) and I watched all of their grousome deaths. They were her great grandchildren. The one doing all the killings was her grandson. He chased the boy and girl down into this abandoned stable. The girl tried to get away by climbing the endless maze of ladders to the roof. Meanwhile the man killed the boy and took the skin from his head, sowed it together, and stuffed it with his intestines and burned it....yeah it was pretty sick...(dreams like this are NOT normal for me). The villagers outside the stable, locked the door and began burning down the stable. The man began climbing the ladders to get to the girl. I forget what the man yelled but he yelled something to the girl as he was climbing after her, I think it was something along the lines of, "We're about to meet grandma!" or "I'm closer to grandma!" I'm not sure but thats where the dream ended. Like that was the que for me to wake up. A lot of the dream was in German including the names that's why I didn't remember any of them...cuz I don't speak German. I only saw the Grandmother once and she was in a blue cloak and she just looked evil...I don't know how to describe it. (IMG: