It should be noted that there is some discussion as to the name of GOD and just how it is to be spoken...
For confusions sake (I apologize Frater Nero) the four states of being are Assiah - earth-material, followed by Yetzirah -water-astral, followed by Briah -air-mental, followed by Atziluth - fire-spiritual. The tree(s) are connected with Assiah's Kether with Yetzirahs Malkuth, etc. Crowning all this is the Ain Soph Aur! These diagrams vary within each lodge system and are usually a hotbed of contraversy. That is not to say what Frater Nero says is no means! Jewish scholars have debated the Name of God for centuries! Find a system that you feel is correct by whatever means you decide on. I'm sure that I'll be handed my illustrious butt on a plate for this (and probably deservedly so!) The name, nonetheless, still represents the 4 elements! Get into Gematria farther down the road... (IMG: