divination is not really my thing yet i own a pendulum as well as a tarot deck. i really don't have anything with devination, but it is nice to play around with at times when being stuck.
with the pendulum it is easy yes or no answered questions that you ask. such as "is my gf pregnant". luckily that was a no at that time heheh
with tarot i read the symbols and give my own interpertation of the cards. the type of lay i use depends each time. one time i do the celtic knot, other time i take 3 cards, other time only 1, the next i just lay them in a way i want them to be without being a previous practiced lay. I just think of the kind of the amount of cards i need and where i'll position them and what they are supposed to tell when put down in that spot. the rest happens without my intervention. so far i've never been wrong.
a friend of mine wanted an african styled tarot deck, seeing there are none she could find it came to mind to make her own deck. i wonder what she did with that idea, should ask next time i see her.
somehow people still think that devinations are to fortell the future. however this is a wrong and inaccurate description of what it is. it is supposed to give you new insights and a glimpse into a possible future.
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