Our little occult group have also had our social event which I enjoyed very much, but I am wanting to do something of a solitary nature sometime before the new year arrives.
I am interested in architecture and I found this link talking about Newgrange, a place in Ireland where at dawn, a shaft of sunlight enters its central chamber at this time:
http://www.candlegrove.com/solstice.html#architecture Since it will be the celebration of the longest night, I might do something that gives thanks for all of the help I received when I felt things couldn't be darker for me emotionally and spiritually at various points throughout the year and remember how each time of challenges brought forth new enlightenment.
Just need to work out how to do that in a physical ritualistic way; I think it may be something that involves gradually lighting up the ritual area and maybe using the body in some kind of dance or movement from a curled or crouching position to standing with outspread arms to signify the greeting of the sun and new light and life.
Anyone any suggestions for music for this type of movement?