QUOTE(| Kinjo @ Mar 29 2005, 09:44 AM)
What we see, what we read and who we associated with - unconsciously tells and influences us to become who we are today. Winners fly with the eagles. Birds of the same feather flocks together. So choose and design your environment carefully to be in "condusive" environment to help brings us towards where we want to go. This is also the same reason I stop watching the crime channel, some sort of news, etc so my mind won't be polluted with these junks who do not serve or benefit me in any way. Just a thought.
I have to disagree with you Kinjo about your theory behind the crime channel , simply put the criminal deals out death and violence on everyday paople without any remorse . However if an act of violence was to be executed by a innocent , weather it be intentional or not it could result in a very severe negative psychological response.
As an example a boy throws himself in front on to a on coming truck and gets crushed . To cut a long story short , the truck driver was so stressed by this incident , although it was clearly not his fault , ended up being instituationalized. :medicine:So we all want happiness in our lives but its never gonna happen for everyone , and it does include rich and powerful , all it takes is a growing disease like depression to take it all away , I feel that i dont need to say any more about this . But I do think that being true to ourselves , being sincere and getting the right kind of help is a step in the right direction. (IMG:
This post has been edited by Starlit Knight: Mar 29 2005, 07:52 PM