Apart from the standard seven chakras (crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, centre and root), there are other "minor" chakras.
I personally am imbalanced. I have no centre chakra (I can hear a gasp from the energy-learned, but it's true), and overuse what should be minor chakras - my hands.
In fact, I almost always have my hands burning with ki - one 'cause it keeps my hands warm, and two 'cause it means I can react to things faster.
The value of an individual is not numerically assignable. Given the individual's infinite capacity to affect change (for better or for worse), it follows that their value is just as infinite. Logically then, not only are all individuals of equal value, but all possible combinations and groupings of individuals are of equal value, and finally, no matter an individual's past actions, their capacity to affect positive change is not diminished.
The value of the individual is sacrosanct, but actions must be directed in an effort to affect positive change.