If you are confused with life, consider these:
1. First purpose is to experience life itself. 2. Second purpose is to be active and affect this world around you. 3. You are born with a plan, but to remember it you have to create it all over again. 4. Think about who you are and where you have been heading in the past.
You might find that there are several things about you that makes you different from others. These same things might give you an idea of what you are doing here.
A soul can choose to become blind. A soul can choose to be raped. You'd be amazed by the weird "mechanics" behind this. We simply shape ourselves and steer into our purpose this way.
Keep those questions coming, they are quite interesting, not to say fundamental.
-Believe in me and you shall fail, for not even I believe in what I preach. -But I succeded! -Then you are doubly a fool.