Well according to the belief of birth and rebirth and incarnation, when someone dies, he takes birth again... well this itself shows that the journey of the souls is already programmed!!! dont you think so... coz there needs to be a great deal of synchronisation for the death and birth to take place in their corect timing.. suppose for someone to be born, there need several things that need to occur e.g sex following fertilization etc etc .. well these things should have been synchronised with the death of the person in previous birth according
to logic....
Not necessarily. There are plenty of logical explanations outside pre-programmed routes. A soul may just go to the first available body. Or alternatively, a soul may choose where it goes next (as is suggested by "Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue"). Both are rational explanations within the confines of reincarnation.
But this fact about incarnation itself seems a bit confusing in the sense that world's population grew from hundreds to billions.. so is God continuously creating souls???
Animals. (IMG: