Based off all I've read from this thread:
It all depends on who you are. Everyone has their own way of thinking so whether you want to believe it or not everyone practices dualistic thinking. Let's say you "didnt" practice dualistic thinking then one could say "dualistic vs. non-dualistic" applies to you and in that sense youre thoughts are dualistic.
In life you make your own choices, you may chose whether you think murder is good or evil, it is all up to you. You cant just think nothing of it or you wouldnt be doing much thinking, feeling, or sensing in your life at all. "Breathing vs. Not breathing" if you didnt chose a side then were would you be?
Its like this, If you took out some "bread to make toast", did you take out toast since you already knew its purpose and as far as youre concerned it is toast? Is it bread because thats the form it was in when you took it out and you thought of it as bread even though you knew you were going to make toast?
In my opinion, you have to chose at some point or your mind would just be void. "Thinking vs. not thinking" You chose thought so therefore you used dualistic thinking.
Note: Just applying all of your rationals and showing you how easily you're self-contradicting.