Burning this stuff on a charcoal burner/brazier will get you more carbon monoxide high than any drug effect. It will give you more of a placebo effect than all else. Use the concentrate, use a water pipe. The active substance is extremely unstable and will degrade over time, sunlight exposure, etc. It definately has an effect! I learned how to use this from a Mexican shaman....but be my guest and use it your way and waste what you have! Oh, btw, smoking mushrooms has absolutely little to no effect!, despite Castenedas lurid description of smoking mushrooms. Psilocin and psilocybin and muscarine are destroyed by heat....faster than THC in marijuana! Eat the mushrooms (or make luke warm tea) and smoke chilled, watercooled smoke for the Salvia. An try to be abit more patient! This is my last post on these subjects. You(all) should be glad! (IMG: