So, could we say that we want to explore the relativity (or difference or connection) between pairs of thoughts or things or states that mind interprets as opposite and are not described by scientific definitions in such a way that the use of the mental description carried no information that could not be expressed without it? For example, what is hot or cold depends on my perception at the moment, but what is black or white is defined very specifically by science and one could substitute these last terms by their scientific definitions and say exactly the same thing.
I am giving below what I interpret as “mind”, but I was thinking that trying to agreeing about it (or about other terms that might occur), may getting us dangerously off topic each time. For example, I don’t agree with definition of the mind as a screen, on the other hand someone could not agree with the attributes that I have assigned to mind or with my definition in general, but if we start a discussion about it, it could go in length. Maybe it would be merely enough if someone, before developing his thought, would mention how he interprets the main terms that he will use. Now, for me mind is a non-physical phenomenon, partly identified with, and partly distinguished from the soul that is manifested in thought, perception, self-consciousness, emotion, will, memory, imagination and reaction to the environment. Using these attributes I can understand if I consider something good or evil, hot or cold, high or low, pleasant or unpleasant, but can they also assist me in seeing beyond that?