"UFOlogy is the mythology of the space age. Rather than angels...we now have...extraterrestrials. It is the product of the creative imagination. It serves a poetic and existential function. It seeks to give man deeper roots and bearings in the universe. It is an expression of our hunger for mystery...our hope for transcendental meaning. The gods of Mt. Olympus have been transformed into space voyagers, transporting us by our dreams to other realms."
--Paul Kurtz
Ok this quote cought my eye just as I got done posting, it lead to another idea:
As man continues to search for his roots on the universe and continues to progress towards a technological "utopia" (more of heaven for machines than man), we may just find where our roots really came from.
Imagine if everything that lead to the existance of mankind has been done so at the expense and care of an alien race? Sounds far out and yet this single theory explains more phenomenon than any other I can think of. People have seen "angelic" creatures for all of mans history. Cave paintings have strange humanoid figures and flying object of all shapes and sizes, but especially disks, have been spotted on immoratalized in our paintings artisty and literature. Many mythos that cultures build their religions around sound like a pritive interpritation of warfare between advanced beings. The elder gods vs. the titans for the greeks, The ancient ones vs. the elders in babylonian myths. Sometimes the interaction between these advanced beings isn't always percieved as warfare but the cycle of the seasons, of life and death. And yet the beings that are portraid as the ones that carry out these things are gods. Beings we have no idea about and what we do is based on our personifid interpritations. Take a look at any well known myth about a cultures gods. I think just about any of those could be some primitive human percpetion of things way beyond our understanding.
The thing is that the things that lead our ancestors to create those myths about gods could be still happening. Its just in our "enlightened" stage of technological progression we've found a new way, a less primitive way to explain much, if not all, of the supernatural. Every question from life death and rebirth to magick to immortality may be explained by a new phenomenom we are benging to grasp. Aliens from other worlds, infanitely more advanced than we such that the only previous way we could describe them was as gods. Dispite the fact most people grudgingly refute any possibility of aliens we might owe more to them than we realize. Our whole perception of reallity could have been tailor made. To what end is anyone's guess. An example of deities I think were probably more likely to be aliens than divine figures would be the babylonian pantheon. Sure its use is to explain the seasons and keep the crops comming but its orgins may have been alien. Image what a bronze age man would say about massive space ships duking it out in earth orbit. He would think they were dragons summoned by gods to do battle with one another. An accurate if not crude understanding, just from the mind of a primitive person.
The main point of this post is really about my feelings towards ufo's. And that if we are seeing things in the sky we can not explain. If people are truely being abducted and there may be some hidden agenda, either on the part of "aliens" or our own trust worthy elected officials. Than we shouldn't just sit idoly by and let it happen while pretending that nothing is happening. Now even I have seen somthing. Again I figured it must have been electrical activity but many many others like Kazahel over here have had profound experiences that everybody else will just laugh at and say they're crazy and yet for some reason many many more will continue to expereince such things as aliens sightings, loss of time, electronic malfunction, and abduction. Is it just me or is something going on that we're just in denial about?