Anyone who are not familiar with a male witch it seems to me must be pretty young.
Well, that definitely is not the case with me, Leanbh.
My age has nothing to do with it.
I simply have not experienced one male witch
Now, online?
Sure. I have met many males who claim to be witches.
Nada. All the people that I have met offline who have practiced witchcraft have been female.
Perhaps that will change one day.
Then again, perhaps not.
Regardless of whether I do, or do not, meet a male witch offline - I can see Derek Thomas brought this issue up. There is something about Witchcraft and Wicca that just does not
immediately seem like it is meant for guys. That might be because of how many female authors have been putting books out on it. That might be because of the cheesy little "spell books" that come out there for a while, with ladies on the covers in hip witchy garb, and rituals in them involving bubble baths, etc... That might be because of the tendancy for a while in the 80s to exemplify it as a prime example of "women's spirituality", and in the 90s to emphasize The Goddess moreso than The God, etc... That might be because of a combination of those factors in addition to others - or because of something else entirely.
Hopefully, more male witches will write books that give this pathway a different vibe that does not make it seem like just a "chick thing".
This post has been edited by Praxis: Mar 13 2006, 07:47 AM