Before I start, please forgive me if I miss the point... First off There are 5 Constants( variable yet). A, B, C, D and E. E represents an underlying element, prevading all other elements. It is, in effect, the 'glue' that holds everything together. Depending upon the system you use, this glue will mirror the subelement it is attached to...for reference purposes. The four elements are broken down further into four sub elements...these four subelement having four sub/sub elrements. Each element has thity six 'glue' elements. Each of the four sub elements have ten sub 'glue' elements. A good example of all of this is shown in Regardies Golden Dawn or in Denning/Philips Mysteria Magicka. The progression goes like this: 4(constant elements) each divided into 4 sub (variable elements), each of these divided again into 4 sub/sub (variable elements). E, or spirit prevades all.
It should be noted that a number of interesting things were happening in the world of Dr. Dee and the infamous Kelley. Dee worked hard for the government with secret codes and messages as well as his magic and that 'magic squares' were highly prevalent at the time.
My own work with this system has yielded some rather interesting resulys through some scrying Angelology and the Triangle of Manifestation. All in all, a fun puzzle and a potent system! Since there are those here that will be teaching Enochian I will now shut up and leave them to it! Good luck!