Azazel in hebrew is עזאזל You could look at the word as being composed of "Powerful" עז "Previously" or alternately "then" as an indication of time. אז with the final lamed (ל ) treating him as "of God".
At least here he fits the occurences in Enoch as one of the Nephilim and his placement as a "fallen angel".
The word is also mentioned in Leviticus 16: 8,10,20-22,26. Here the name seems to indicate a demon worshipped by a semitic tribe, whether or not the same entity as mentioned in Enoch, I won't make that call.
Besides the look into the spelling (which is my own, and should be treated as speculative) a decent amount of info can be found under his Wiki Entry which is quite well-written. You would probably best be served by returning to the sources listed there for an accurate picture.
"For many years I have been a Lapsed Idiot. With faith and penance, I hope one day to be a devout Imbecile again." - chaoscrowley