The Magical Philosophy was originally published in five volumes, Vol. 1, The Robe and the Ring, Vol. 2, The Apparel of High Magic, Vol. 3, The Sword and the Serpent, Vol. 4, The Triumph of Light and Vol. 5, Mysteria Magica. They were published by Llewellyn Publications in 1981. I was lucky enough to purchase the set. I had also purchased a complete set of the Equinox which was reprinted around 1970-something. I foolishly sold it (the Equinox) for bread money during some tough times...*sigh* (what an ass!)
To my knowledge the Sword and the Serpent hasn't been modified in its reissue does contain some rather valuable info. If you guts are looking for something in particular from it, I'd be glad to email some pdf'd scanned pages... (IMG: