So you're asking why if there are such benevolant creatures guarding us why would such terrible things happen? Actually this is a relatively common question. Usually accompanied with, 'if God is so loving WHY would he allow this (enter terrible tragedy here) to happen??". Well, in a way everything has it's place (as sad as that is to say). It's called balance. Chaos and Order, up and down, fast and slow. All are extreme opposite of each other, but there needs to be a set of polarities in order for a balance to be made. A happy medium. I don't know of any religion that has only one extreme. Even buddhism has demons. If there is only one side there would be...well...complete chaos.
Besides, people have to learn to grow. That's the point of living. As terrible as some of those lives may be, it's a 'choice'. People can either learn from these things and evolve and help other people or they can go down a road that leads us into a further descending spiral. Imagine everytime you got hurt when you were a kid, if mommy was there to chase off the bullies or solve your problems for you, you'd turn into a social retard without the ability to think for yourself. It's the same way with humanity and god. Truth is, I wish my mother was there for me sometimes when I was a kid, but instead of constantly being angry at her, I learned from the situation. It made me stronger. I was able to make choices, think on my feet, and evolve.
The only answers I can give you is that ...
People have free will and spiritual beings cannot interject and take that away from us.
The actions are result of people.
And..What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
By ignorance is pride increased; those most assume know the least. ~Gay