All moral codes asside for a moment.
As Bym mentioned, it is quite possible to trap lesser spirits. For more powerful entities such as those found in the Goetia, you would need to evoke that entity in FULL. In any given evokation, you make a connection and call to a spirit. Some of that spirit's conciouness then manifests into the mirror, astral, pendulum, etc. Trapping THAT would only be like trapping some of the spirits energy....nothing too spectatular. Thus, to trap the entity in full, you would need to evoke that entitie's FULL conciousness into physical manifestation. (By physical manifestation, I mean that the entitie's full conciousness would have to be in the room with you, not just mirrored in the astral) Doing that would require a very potent Will to force the entity to manifest itself in full....would be pretty dangerous too. After that, you would have to find a proper vessel to actually trap it in. That vessel would have to be safe guarded by a LOT of energy barriers etc. Further, that energy would have to be EXTREMLEY dense and well as cycled on a regular basis. If not, the said entity would be able, to whatever extent, manifest it's Will upon the universe. If it's trapped in a vessel, you can bet your arse that it's Will would be focused on one thing.....hurting the magickian that put him/her (or more appropiatly it) there. Once it is trapped, there isnt much you would be able to do with it. Commanding it or communicating with it would be out of the question as both would require either YOU the magickian sending some of your own conciousness into the vessel, or letting some of the said spirit's conciousness out. Either would be dangerous. Your Will would also have to be conciouslly cutting the conenctions that other Magickians would make with the said entity while trying to evoke/invoke it.
While it is quite possible, the benifits in NO way outweight the costs (that the said magickian would at some point....probably sooner than later.... pay) for doing so. Not only that, but the whole procedure would be very very time consuming and dangerous. If one were to succesfully get a 100% full manifestation of the spirit, it would be a battle zone from there on.
For all of the moral predicaments associated with this, please read the above posts.