Memory says that it's a different angel, but I'll be able to find out tomorrow.
Edit: Lelahel - An angel of the zodiac exercising dominion over love, art, science and fortune. We appeal to this being of light for good luck and good fortune.
Leliel - One of the angelic rulers of the night.
Apparently separate beings, although I'll get a proper confirmation when I can hit the National Library tomorrow.
Double Edit: Yes, they appear to be different angels.
This post has been edited by Zahaqiel: Jun 1 2006, 07:15 AM
The value of an individual is not numerically assignable. Given the individual's infinite capacity to affect change (for better or for worse), it follows that their value is just as infinite. Logically then, not only are all individuals of equal value, but all possible combinations and groupings of individuals are of equal value, and finally, no matter an individual's past actions, their capacity to affect positive change is not diminished.
The value of the individual is sacrosanct, but actions must be directed in an effort to affect positive change.