I have read several books on this subject and I myself have had several regressions. One book that I found rather interesting was by a lady by the name of Slyvia Browne who has spent many years researching this subject and has many many case files regarding clients that she has helped to 'heal' through the use of regression techniques. One of the things that is mentioned in the book has to do with something called cell memory, which is along the same lines as the DNA theory that Acid09 mentioned. I have also read several other books regarding childeren and the subject of past lives that have been well researched for dates, times and names of places and people. Through one of my regressions I was able to obtain a name that I was able to trace back to a particular event as an actual person that was living here on this plane of existence. I was more inclined to be less skeptical because the event itself was something I had very little knowledge of and yet the more I researched and the more I found out the more it fitted with what happened during the regression. I personally think that we have along way to go before we are able to prove through mainstream science that reincarnation occurs and the evidence of case files and regressions is simply not enough to prove to those that are skeptical about reincarnation that this does take place. I think that what people are trying to get at with the anology of the flowers is the patterns that occur within nature and the universe, whilst you say that these are not the same flowers each time, when we reincarnate - we are not the same people. I think this is definately something that someone could ponder for a lifetime and still not be one hundered percent sure of, whilst I beleive that this takes place, I still like to look at the sibject objectively and have arguments for both sides. In a round about way I can see what you mean in regards to Yesod, due to the bonding aspect and the teachings of how to appreciate the present moment. As a singular moment is the both the expression of how we have lived in the past and what is possible in the future. This particular teaching I feel could be viewed on both a microscopic scale (our present lifetime) and also on a macrocosmic scale (our past lifetimes). I think from my experiences with regression we definately "carry over" issues or experience which contribute to who we are and how we react to situations until we have somehow come to resolve them, wether it be this lifetime or several lifetimes.
Some People are Magick