ah, i went trough that to, but i do not think that is really the dark night. I went trough that before i picked up magick.
The dark night is an unmotivated time, hollow inside, yet fearless. No reason to thrive, yet thriving anyway. Going trough the motions and feeling empty while doing it.
It is the result of spiritual growht, of disataching from the material and losing the ego. Most people live for material things. When this desire is destroyed, and the material craving subdues, there is nothing left sometimes. I believe it is mainly the cause of unguided growth. And the love of life seems to vanish, because there is nothing left to live for.
One must search for love then, that oneness with the universe to fill up the void. One must fall like a raindrop in the ocean of life, and become part of the flow. However, this must be realised.
Correct meditation and insight can prevent the dark night in many, however some may thing they have shed the material world and experience the dark night unexpectadly, then they are surprised and lost until they can realise this truth.
This is a hard problem to overcome, since there is no psychologist or friend in the world who understands this, since material people never get to feel the emptyness when there material desires are destroyed.
It is as i read a few posts back, the ego seems to be necesary, however it is not, if you get past this dark night. However, be warned, it is possible to experience the dark night over and over again, when you go back to material desires.
In LVX, Frater A.V.I.A.F.