Hello, im new here and have just read the what is sorcery coloum, it seams many of you have borrowed things from the libary of knowledge (a system of direct magic that looks good in theory but is almost impossible to get a half decent result from) with such things as twighlight, a concept unheard of until they invented it. Now, I am a sorcerer ( dont want to sound big headed but im bloody good at it) and my definition of sorcery is this - a unique spiritual and magical path designed by the person using it by taking other concepts and techniques from a vast array of systems and forming them into one that works for them. Magicaly more often then not you will find a sorcerer using a combination of 'empty handed' techiques and ritual methods. however to know what is right for you you must know every inch of your soul before you can sucsesfully make your own path- . And anyone who tells of stalking their friend as panthers and beigh bitten by vampires with medallions is talking nonsense. The only thing seperating a sorcerer from a chaos magician is the fact that we create our path out of pre existing and new concepts whereas they craft their path from thin air. There is nothing wrong with doing that but it isnt right for everyone, neither is sorcery, i have found that 95% of people prefer to follow a pre existing path - in my opionion because they are scared of new things , scared of their true self, scared to be different. After reading this some of you will probably think me a long winded pompous tw*t, belive me in all sincerity that i do not care in the slightest. Its nice to meet you all and i look forward to many intersting disscusions in the days to come. Reagreds Adam