Does this hanged man come from the Thoth deck, because I am not familiar with that deck. I am a little familiar with the B.O.T.A. deck, however in that deck the arms are behind the back. From what I understand the hanged man refers to the "suspended mind" or samadhi. In this state, his mind is reversed from that of the rest of humanity. He is able to see the true nature of life and reality. This could be tied to the peace sign because this state of mind is a peaceful one "In consequence, all details of his inner and outer life are harmonious and perfectly satisfactory to him. Others may count him a failure because they apply the false standards of the world. But he knows himself to be truly free, truly happy, and truly successful here, and in whatever there may be hereafter."-(outside source in quotes) I am not really sure if that helps or not, but just my two cents worth.
"The greater his task, the meeker a man must be. The sharper his skill, the humbler his heart." -Tanomo Saigo