ah... hello.
Believe it or not this thread was one of the reasons why i decided to join these forums. After doing a quick search i determined this was as good a place as any to post my thoughts on the subject.
I am an empath, although, i'm not a very good one. Having said that, i have a few techniques for improving empathy, and i'd be happy to explain what I understand empath to be, and a describing a few uses of it.
************************************************* What is empathy?
In as short a form as possible, empathy is the ability to experience the emotions of another being. I commonly refer to empathy as a talent; While this isn't the most accurate word to describe it, it works because the various mundane aspects of empathy can be taught to anyone, but some of the magical aspects of the discipline don't seem to be able to simply be acquired. The exact reasoning behind this is a subject for an entirely new thread. There are many traits which will greatly help any empath, but i'm going to specifically site honesty as being the most valuable. While other common virtues rank high on the list (Inner Strength, Sincerity, Introspection... Etc), Being honest, in all aspects of the word, will allow yourself to experience the true power of empathy.
** Some mundane skills which will help you develope empathy:
- Be Social: Aside from the obvious extra opportunites to use the discipline, you'll have the ability to become familar with a larger number of people. Personalities are diverse and individual idiosyncracies exist from person to person, even between similar people. Another thing that this will help alleviate is shyness.
- Body Language: Learn to read body language. Actions speak louder then words. People masking body language will start to become more obvious because they make a conscious effort to mask their body language.
- Role Play: As any psychiatrist can tell you, Emotional interaction is very complex;Iin many ways it is very similar to a positive feed back loop. Being able to walk a mile in another person's shoes helps you understand them. alot.
The begining magical aspect of this discipline is the ability to read a person's eyes. An individuals eyes are the doorways to their soul. At this level, you really don't experience their emotions, but you should begin to develope a greater understanding for the person you're reading. Something that should be noted, it takes a relatively high amount of trust for a person to allow you to look directly at their eyes for a sustained amount of time. With some practice you can read a person's eyes extremely quickly.
The next level is the ability to know certain things. Personality traits, mood, and immediate intentions are all things that can be sensed at this point, but are in no way the extent of what you can just know about a person using empathy. As a some what obvious side note, overt emotions are much more distinct, and thus, much more easily discerned; Some times your first inklings are the most correct. For most people, this is level that most focus on. I believe most people don't develope the art further because they preferentially use it as a tool to get to know those around them, and, thus, preferentially prefer to develope the speed with which they can utilize it. There is, however, one last level to empathy.
The final level of empathy is the ability to determine what another is feeling without having had any physical contact with the person whatsoever. Allow me to qualify that a bit. Spirits and ghosts can be encountered at any level, and empath can be used on them, but at this level you can begin to feel them, even if they are not actively trying to interact with you. Such beings are over powering to empaths. While i have personally experienced this i don't recommend it. i find that i much prefer the other application of this level of proficiency: empathy with those you care for. Many scoff at empathy, but the first time you awaken because a loved one is crying, and i don't mean anywhere close, you'll quickly develope an appreciation for the art. In order to get to this level you must be very familar with the person in question. I am only "intune" with my immediate family members (My Parents, and siblings).
****** What and where empathy is useful, and when it is not:
I find empathy to be quite useful in getting to know and understand those around me.
Without hours of explanation: i tend to utilize my empathic ability most when i am in doubt. I have been hurt by this practice, but it is my natural tendency.
Empathy is incredibly strong but it does have it's draw backs. Doftheunknownpath provided an excellent example. Even the freindliest altercation will involve feelings of contention. Contention leads to anger, anger leads to violence. Using an empathic gift will at least double the amount of anger a person is experiencing (not that i really think anger can be quantified).
Strong emotions are over whelming. I have acquired a very detached personality as a result of the talent.
any way... i thinkk that's sufficient. talk some if y'all got any questions.
This post has been edited by Qcks: Aug 12 2006, 10:22 AM