Interesting, while i t think reprogramming someones soul is possible, it is not the same as completely stealing it or removing it from the person. A soul stolen does not equal a reprogrammed person, all that is left in wake of the persons soul is a void, a black empty soulles void.
personally, i believe the soul is the combination of your magickal will and the energy behind it. The very essence that enables one to use any sort of magick. It is that flow of energy you feel when practising magick. The source of mana, chi, ki, or whatever name you give magickal energy. To steal it from someone else will highten your own capabilities to direct magickal energy. And leave the person without a soul incapable of performing any magick, since there is no director left to perform the magick.
It is a very hard thing to do, becouse you actually kill a person when you steal its soul : After the stealing the flesh left behind becomes a biological machine, nothing more. Thinking and acting only with the brain, or the body. After death of the flesh the person is no more, he ceases to exist becouse no soul is left to seed a new body.
Naturally this would be realy dark magick, with severe unescapable karma punishment involved.
However, one would not get the karma from the person's soul who's stolen. In fact, becouse of the act of having its soul stolen, or removed. All karma for that soul would be removed, thanks to the evil it just experienced. When bad is done upon you, your karma gets a positive balance thanks to it, at least thats what i think. Even if it is not that case, it is the stealers soul who is guiding his direction in life, the stolen soul is just a puppet, a source of food for the stealer, wheter or not it has karma does not even matter for the stealer. Its karma means nothing compared to the bad karma balance the stealer just aquired anyway.
I would advise at doing such a thing, since there is not much gain from it. After the theft you would be fighting your own karma effects for the rest of your existance in all your next lives, and this live. There are better ways to aquire power if you need it. Messing with peoples souls, or lives, is the darkest magick you can possibly do.
But i do think it is possible. if enough ritual, intent, and magickal will is present during the ritual to cause such an effect.
In LVX, Frater A.V.I.A.F.