It has been pointed out to me that my energy control/power is rather lacking. I have personally never had an issue with it, but it is going to pester me until I can devise a way to test that hypothesis. So that being said, I'm left with a problem, how do I know I'm <insert possible explanation here>?” Some things that where suggested to me include such diverse causes as binding, chakra problems, and general un-focus. If I do have a problem I would think, it would be in the later two. Because I have never been the most balanced person.
So to make things perfectly clear how do I test whether or not I am indeed lacking power and control? And how do I go about finding the cause?
Thanks in advance.
This post has been edited by fatherjhon: Sep 18 2006, 03:40 AM
Cosmic consciousness is devoid of diversity; yet the universe of diversity exists in notion.... We contemplate that reality in which everything exists, to which everything belongs, from which everything has emerged, which is the cause of everything and which is everything.... The light of [this] self-knowledge alone illumines all experiences. It shines by its own light. This inner light appears to be outside and to illumine external objects.
-Sage Vasishtha