Well, lets differentiate just a bit . . .
Hermetica - Corpus Hermeticum (Hermetic Corpus), an specific subset of Egyptian or Greek literature Hermeticism - a religo-magickal movement stemming from the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus Hermetic Kabalah - a syncretism of Kabalah within Hermeticism Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn - a rosicrucian based magickal order in the western Hermetic Kabalistic tradition
There is an enormous breadth of literature and practic within the above. Most of the Western Mystery Tradition is base (primarily) on the Golden Dawns work. But, Hermeticism itself is a very different beast from the cosmological / magickal tradition presented in the Golden Dawn.
Its sounds arbitrary; hermetics / western magickal traditions / Golden Dawn. Maybe it is . . .
This post has been edited by palindroem: Sep 22 2006, 02:30 PM
"My theory is longer, thicker and harder then yours" - Frank Farrelly (regarding scientific objectivity)