Is learning to astraly project another way of opening the 3rd psychic eye? This really confuses me. I want to learn how to read minds and know of things which will happen in a few this a party of opening the 3rd eye? What about Astral Projection techniques? Do they help open the 3rd eye? are they a part of becoming psychic? Im soon to begin basic meditation do you think this helps with any of the above? which practices must one do before attempting astral projection?
After much book study and forum lurking i've learned a lot, but i've ne'er practiced yet! I do howe'er want to open my 3rd psychic eye and not sure how to. I also want to learn to astraly project, read minds, know of what is to happen in the future. What i ask is simple reference, i got books on basic meditation and "becoming psychic", but are these enough? is there anything else i might know to:
Become psychic open 3rd eye Astraly project