This also makes me think what if as consous beings we are really a god's children stuck in a play bin (our reality) and our porpose is to develope godling intellect to prepare us for real reality (reality of a god, the god what ever thingy). That thought the very thing it self is god incarnate. My head's starting hurt.
Yes, This reminds me of a post I read a while ago on another forum... Somebody was talking to a spirit of the goetia and it told them that we as humans don't know our own power. I think that the spirit was refering to the fact that we are made by god with god. We get to choose were we go in our lives while we are here on earth. After time things change... beings are apointed new status. I personally plan on being some sort of positive god type image when I die... If I can, and I don't mean in a every one bow down to me kind of way. We are the product of god.. Just as Jesus was. But I like your idea of how we are all babies developing our godling intellect!
Still if your will is to make bush a bad person that needs to be punished, than your will is mine and both our wills may make another look at bush under a microscope and indite him for starting a war. Well thats pretty idealistic.
Lol, But think of how many older people and texans there are who are so bored with there dull lives and want to see us young people go and fight for them...