Personal Occult Collections, Those books in your rack... |
Frater F.A.M.E. |
May 9 2006, 01:48 PM
Posts: 127
Age: N/A Gender: Male
From: Buffalo, New York Reputation: none
I figured I'd throw in my collection of books that I've actually bought. What the hell, right? I don't much buy books anymore, because I can get damn near any book I want for free (e-editions), including most new books, so this collection is VERY old (about 3-4 years now), though, I think there's one new one in there, as well as some Yogi books I inherited from my father. I'm probably leaving something out though, as most of my time reading is spent reading from a computer, lol! In no particular order or ranking: (IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0875421903.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 1. Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense and Well-Being by Denning and Philips(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0875421830.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 2. Practical Guide to Creative Visualization: Manifest Your Desires by Denning and Philips(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1578631203.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.gif) 3. My Life with the Spirits: The Adventures of a Modern Magician by Lon Milo Duquette(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1578632765.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 4. Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot by Lon Milo Duquette(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/157863010X.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 5. Angels, Demons & Gods of the New Millennium by Lon Milo DuQuette(IMG: http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/1578632994.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 6. The Magick of Aleister Crowley: A Handbook of the Rituals of Thelema by Lon Milo Duquette(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0875423248.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 7. Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/091120623X.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.gif) 8. Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0877285136.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.gif) 9. Book 4 by Aleister Crowely(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1932857206.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 10. Generation Hex by Jason Louv(IMG: http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/1567183158.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIlitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,32,-59_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 11. Paths of Wisdom by John Michael Greer(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1567181414.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) This cover is from the Cicero one. 12. Garden of Pomegranates by Israel Regardie (Without Chic Cicero)(IMG: http://g-images.amazon.com/images/G/01/ciu/17/8e/3c8d9330dca09b3e02ff2010._AA240_.L.jpg) 13. Tactical Magick by Seth(IMG: http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/0738703842.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIlitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,32,-59_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) This book sux ass. 14. Divination for Beginners by Scott Cunningham(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0911662022.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 15. Advanced Course in Yogi Philosphy and Oriental Occultism by Yogi Ramacharaka (One Pen Name of William Walker Atkinson of the New Thought Movement)(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0911662014.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 16. Fourteen Lesson in Yogi Philosophy by Yogi Ramacharaka(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1421810999.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 17. Mystic Christianity by Yogi Ramacharaka (IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/142533492X.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) The cover style is the one Amazon gives when they don't have the cover of the actual book. 18. Gnani Yoga by Yogi Ramacharaka(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1419178946.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_V53965120_.jpg) 19. Science of Breath by Yogi Ramacharaka(IMG: http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/1406500275.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA180_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 20. Raja Yoga by Yogi Ramacharaka(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0852430930.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) This is a newer cover. The same with the Raja, and Mystic Christianity books (Newer covers). 21. Hatha Yoga : Or the Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well-Being by Yogi Ramacharaka (IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0824518187.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIlitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,32,-59_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) This small, little book, influenced me in so many profound ways. I can honestly say, that though my path currently resembles nothing much in this book any longer, it, or rather, it's wisdom, has helped shape the Second part of my life. (The Ramacharaka books helping to shape the First). I am currently in my Third part, for those who wish to know. It's funny....how things can help shape who you are and who you become, closer and closer until you are truly you. 20. Heaven Begins Within You by Anselm Gruen(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0380751925.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 21. The Necronomicon by Simon(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0380731126.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 22. The Necronomicon Spellbook by Simon(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1567187471.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 23. Enochian Magic For Beginners by Donald Tyson(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1578632234.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 24. What is occultism? by Dion Fortune(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1571891358.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 25. The 72 Names of God: Technology for the Soul by Yehuda Berg(IMG: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0877287090.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg) 26. The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order by Paul Foster Case
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