When I first started, I was quite ill, in fact, I was often in bed and at some points it was difficult for me to raise my arms and lift things, so I started without tools. I didn't need them.
However, during ritual one day, I was presented with tools by some entities, very nice they were too and also shown an astral temple which I was told to make my own.
What I am trying to say is that it doesn't all have to be perfect with all the tools, robes etc. You do what you can with what you have and if you really do need something else, you will know somehow, either because it will keep presenting itelf maybe through ads on the TV or through forums or some other way, or like me, you will have the other side let you know.
Magick is a serious business, but you should enjoy it too and worries about getting everything exact could spoil that. I hope not though (IMG: