Why would someone thinks the free masons are satanic? I have never heard of evidence of this.
This only thing I can think of is: 1) A pentacle is common with the free masons. However the pentacle in their tradition derives from the pentagram which used to represent or be the seal of Jerusalem, and very common with the Hebrews (one version of the star of Solomon is a pentagram and it appears as such in the flags of Morocco and Ethiopia). Even before that it was a sumerian sign and its only lately in the last 1000 years were it has been associated as demonic sign.
2) Maybe they are referring to the association of the Knights Templar and the Free masons? some believe that the survivors of the Templar purges in France ended up in Scottland and their traditions were picked up by the freemasons. They were called heretics for worshipping a 'head' (probably the head of christ in the Linz of Turin, the only thing visible when folded up). Possibly they believed that Christ did not die in the cross but survived.. who know, they are many books about them.
In any event, my understanding is that to be a free mason you have to believe in and submit to a higher power than yourself, similar to the AA 12 steps. Therefore satanist (at least those from LaVey's church of Satan) would NOT be accepted into freemasonry, as they believe in the innate godness of each person and the lack of a superior being (they would say I am my own god and I submit to no one).
So I dont think free masonry has anything satanic about it. If anything, where their views diverged from the accepted church ortodoxy they were probably more on the right, as the Templar knights organization was founded in Jerusalem and had direct access to any existant record, scriptures, treasures or traditions in that part of the world.