Greetings Blasphemy2000!
Demons, daemons, daimons, etc. You are wielding a very generalized stick. I've tried to actually nail down the origin of the word, demonaltry, and have come up with alot of vagueries, most of which have their roots in Christian ecclesiastical rede. Not particularily satisfying.
There are malevolent beings that can be ascribed to the very loose term of 'demon' and there are those entities which can be termed 'daemons' who are not malevolent. It has been the unfortunate happenstance that certain faiths look upon various spiritual (and otherwise) beings as Demonic. In accordance with most of the worlds major religons the term 'demon' denotes something bad or evil (a rather subjective term). Already you are facing a conflicting view. Wouldn't it be easier to just call it something else? Newage delights in this and you'd find yourself amidst throngs of avid learners...but no...we must perpetuate a stereotype! To be a Demonaltrer is not necessarily to be a 'Satanist'. I know quite a few 'Satanists'...they mostly idolize aberant lifestyles and most worship the distaff side of the Christian ethos. Call them 'rebels'. Most are not evil though they love to ape the trappings of what the local religon considers evil. It all balances out.
You have become, of late, the poster boy for Demonaltry. A Champion of the Cause! I applaud your zeal!
We all know that the roots of the Goetia are murky with innuendo placed by a variety of disparate priests of the Invogue God! Baal actually translates into 'Boss' and Hauros/Flauros could very well be a hawk of Egyptian origin. But please, don't even try to 'fluff' up Pazuzu or any number of other entities in the name of righteousness. Sometimes the entity is just plain MEAN! Granted, the interactions of humans with non-humans can have some very unintentional deleterious effect! Even elementals can be hazardous to your health! We must use caution and knowledge to understand these beings! Some should never try evocation at all (IMHO).
You have made a number of incorrect assumptions in your zealous of which I hope to end. That is the one regarding the Triangle of the Art. The 'holy' names are an addition from a later time. It is the
SHAPE which is of importance! It represents
MANIFESTATION! PERIOD. Well....that is the very simplified definition!
I am very interested in researching 'Demonaltry' and would be very grateful if you can point me toward some of your source material? It wasn't until I became a Mod here that I ever
heard of the word! I hope that the material dates back before the seventies and Lavey as this was one of the first Newage regurgitations and it's getting mighty deep in here! Thanks! (IMG: