Ave, I just stumbled upon this forum this morning. How fitting, it happens to be November Eve. Anyways, I guess I'll make a short intro >.>
The things I like and practice frequently are: oneiromancy, tarot, psionics, astral travel, hoodoo, general energy work. I <3 sigils. I do not follow a specific path other than the one of my own making. Some people think I'm a Luciferian. I just like Lucifer and the idea(l)s associated, nothing more. That said, I'm a generally open person who doesn't mind experimenting.
I am interested in: psuedoscience, history, archaeology, anthropology.
I have been immersed in occult literature since an early age. I don't think I absorbed much, but it was enough to get me somewhere. I think. Anyways.
I'm a law school student, so I don't really have the time any more to read what I want to :/ Of course I know I'll probably spend every spare minute going thru this forum ;)
I'm generally an introvert and I tend to blend into the background. I adapt fairly quickly.
PM me if you want to know any more. I think that's about it.
Oh yes, I also cook and draw.