Well, first I should ask then, while in the trance state, were your eyes opened or closed? The state that I referred to in the last post occurs while in a closed-eyed meditation, which is a normal occurance for everyone. Yet at times I've come to see certain light movements and such with my eyes opened. I suppose the only way to explain it is when you have one of those times where you're with friends and you see something out of the corner of your eye, and you're like "what was that?" and nobody else sees it? Yet when I meditate, I tend to see multiple different colors, but green/ red and blue are the most common for me, I'm not sure if it would be the same for everyone else. They tend to be long lines that sway, bend, and curve randomly. GIve your experiences also if you want, it might help me understand better.
Pleasing dreams are few and far between the good and badly needed breaks in life, just so you don't hate yourself.