Hereisthe short answer from a modern day Hunter S Thompson (ex). Drugs are there to be used to open doors for people who cant open them themselves. Once these doors have been opened it is most highly recommended that the task of learning to open these doors without the use of drugs begins. Almost noone who relies on drugs to open doors learns how to close them. Closing doors (banishing, grounding, earthing, coming down) is of the utmost importance for those who have not attained a certain level of understanding - otherwise confusion and madness can set in - this is usually the result of people misinterpreting feelings, vibrations, visions, messages. Drugs are like magickal shock therapy. They can not be used continuously by those who have not attained a certain level of capability. Those who have reached that level of capability usually dont need and so dont use drugs - except on rare occasions for mammoth tasks - even then it is not unless it is deemed absolutely necessary. Read "all" the Carlos Castaneda books if you plan on using drugs spiritually. Always be aware of your goal and stop using drugs when they are no longer beneficial. If you know anything about the Qabalah you will know that drugs only take you to yesod. This is only the first sephiroth above malkuth. This is the plane that the hindus termed "maya" or "illusion". This is the astral plane of symbols. It is very easy to become arrogant and get caught up in the world of symbols; without ascending to a deeper understanding and capability of working with the things they symbolise. Many people who have some experience of travelling through this sphere believe themselves to be adepts. This drug induced plane is only the very first step on the path of magick. Lingering here beyond the point at which you have gained all you can form this sphere is harmfull and can be potentially dangerous in terms of mental health. Once you have mastered yesod you must move up or back - do not linger here. This may sound alarmist, but anyone who tells you different is no "master" and is just a dreamer, and an egoist. Also read "heaven and hell" by aldous huxley and his "the doors of perception". Im sorry to repeat myself but drugs are just the baby steps. I would suggest that if you can use other means (meditation, visualisation, breathing) to get to the same place then you are taking a step backwards to then start using drugs - after you have used drugs you will then need to use these techniques anyway - and longterm druguse hampers your ability to use these techniques effectively.
I have taken more lsd than you have seen in your life in one weekend. I lived in a house where we took goldtops everyday for three months. I speak from exerience. These are not the theoretical ramblings of some kid whos read a few books. I have taken a shitload of drugs in my time. I "know" from a wealth of "real life" experience the pros and cons of working with drugs and of working without them.
Dont listen to someone who did a ritual once on lsd or takesd ecstacy on the weekends. Listen to someone who took mushrooms (goldtops) every day for three months with a group of spiritually inclined experimenters (this is no exaggeration). Listen to someone who has fasted for a week and performed work. Listen to someone who has performed work when completely healthy well fed and exercised. This sounds arrogant and it is and i say it with great conviction from a place of experience and knowledge.
This post has been edited by extinctionspasm: Nov 1 2006, 09:43 PM