Too bad there aren't any other geomancers! It's a form of divination I often use. Geomancy is perfect outside of ritual. Even as something more complex though, I think it's worth defending. The sixteen figures are substantial concepts to be explored. I've used the Caput Draconis as a sigil with good results. I only attach astrological significance where I think it's necessary and not as part of the whole process... although not all Renaissance geomancy was astrological geomancy.
The system explores divination in a few interesting ways. By building new figures from preceding patterns it's like watching card patterns coming out in a tarot reading. Most geomantic figures have a central divinatory meaning: but digging deeper is what divination is all about. Worth experimenting with.
Edit: this is a good place to start, post has been edited by tyrian: Nov 4 2006, 02:35 AM