Ok . . . (thanks Athena and Ashnook !) . . .
I take it you've both evoked goetic entities with traditional protections initially . . . then later in your magickal "careers" evoked them without (?)
After dropping the overtly protective devices, did you notice any "hard feelings" or disgruntled attitudes on the spirits part for originially being called "traditionally" ?
(both of your replies almost speaks to this . . . I just thought I'd dig a bit deeper for everyones edification)
Phil Hines suggests(
*article*) that some goetic spirits actually prefer, even may need, the whole traditional evocational setup.
Granted, everyones experience is different and dependant on thier own proclivities . . . but I thought I'd throw that out as an experience of a magician thats definitly not an evocation novice. whatever (IMG:
This post has been edited by palindroem: Nov 13 2006, 02:08 PM