I have found that Dantalion can be worked with quite well if you take the time out to get to know her. Wow, a tattoo of the seal, that is a pretty large commitment. It is basically like being married to the spirit. You end up having the presence around continuosly as well as allow influence by them. I would only recommend that if that spirit is the client's patron Daemon and they have worked with them for at least a couple of years.
I have had Daemons state that my clients must have necklaces made (ruby or pure gold, or silver). However even with that, I recommend that they wear then only one day a week, unless they have a working relationship with the Daemon like stated above.
I have found Dantalion to be quite good for matters of love and lust, but like many of the Daemons, will not help me with client work if the love interst the person is after is a complete jerk or bad for the person LOL.
Courses, client work, custom Daemon seals, ruby seals, magical supplies and more... www.enochian.org &