I've praticed reiki for about four years now and not to lessen its validity, but it is just another method or energy/pranic healing. You'll find many similar techniques under different schools, although they may use different symbols or prayers. Reiki itself was claimed by Mikao Usai as a rediscovering of ancient healing techniques from India. Dr. Usai didnt create reiki, he was attuned to reiki after a 21 day mediation, in which legend says he began to visualize hundreds of symbols falling to earth. From those symbols he picked what is now the general symbols used for reiki; cho ku rei, sei he ki, hon sha zo shonen, dai ko myo & raku.
Ive found that reiki symbols is a good way to direct energy, and that it works with anything. Ive done many healings with it and have found that it does great work on an energetic level, although I find it more effective when working on myself or doing distance healings. Ive done the three degrees to where I can, and have attuned others to reiki. But I am far from considering myself a Reiki Master. Any mastership, in any endeavor comes from internalizing and applying the techniques that are learned. Its unfortunate that reiki schools and training has become very "commercial" to the point that people can now buy dvds for the attunements, but all the same its Universal Energy that can go anywhere it wants and however it wants to. Its non-judgemental and virually impossible for using to do harm. Mikao Usai was attuned to reiki himself, and anyone who really wishes to direct universal energy can do the same, with or without a "master" attuning them. It may take longer than a weekend course, but it'll be yours so you can seek your own mastership. I do find it interesting that there are claimed masters and such here, but not one has spoken the Reiki Principles.
For today i will be thankful and blessed. For today I will not worry or anger. For today I will honor my teachers and elders. For today I will study and earn honestly. For today I will be kind to every living thing.
I thought that I was duped into paying for something that was worthless, but at any cost reiki is worth it. Its not necessarily about the price, as its about the value.
Positive energy accelerates conscious evolution.