Its interesting that one of jesus's most poignant, and also most often repeated messages was that everyones relationship with and understanding of god, is and should ultimately be a personal one, whether you keep it private or share it. That god is everywhere, as is god's church, as are our opportunities to communicate with god. I find it interesting that despite this, people still try to convince eachother to see their own perceptions of god, and especially jesus himself. How ironic. The one man who told us that no one else could tell us "how it is" but ourselves, is the one man about whom everybody else tries to tell us "how it is". Well well well.
In my opinion jesus is representative of a certain physical (i do not mean based on race or pectoral muscle size) ,spiritual, and mental ideal. Others may or may not have embodied this ideal throughout history, but the reality is that of all who are believed to have, Jesus is most certainly the most famous, and for myself therefore, the most powerful as a symbol. So when i do good, i like to think that i am doing the work of jesus, which is not just the name of one specific man, but the name of the potential of all women and men, the potential that is latent within myself.
The work of jesus is the highest work of the self. Jesus is the fundamental to which all aspire, no matter how naively or ignorantly. This can be very dangerous though for those who se this as a personally attainable power, and who are not in full control of their everything you know. rahdy rah.