Actually GaiusOctavian, that Bone Game first came from Harner's The Way of the Shaman . . . just to give props.
I've never used human bones, but I have used animal's . . . though only those that I've found (been "given"); turtle, deer, bear. As animal spirit contacts, ancesteral objects, and "spell" conponents for deep-past and Earth. They've been very effective. (a bit of divination attempt with a turtle shell too . . . playing with the I Ching origin idea . . . but nothing really came from that because I was unwilling to destory the shell just for a practice reading lol) Though, for necromancy, I can imagine that human bones would be particularly useful.
I wonder if for divination ("throwing the bones"), if animal bones would be as acceptable as human . . . or is that type of divination actually a form of (anthro) necromancy?
This post has been edited by palindroem: Nov 24 2006, 07:26 AM
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