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 Choosing A Magical Name
The Nine
post Nov 15 2006, 12:51 AM
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so theres many rituals that I've come across where you must utter your magical name/motto/handle to the entities that you invoke as part of it

trouble is, I never decided on one

what goes into picking a magical name? what do you need to consider when coming up with a motto or handle for yourself? and does it really need to be in latin or greek?

help pls

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post Nov 25 2006, 08:56 PM
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When I was choosing my magickal name, I went to a site with some Latin quotes, and looked for some that I felt suited me. In the end, I was torn between two choices, and couldn't settle on either. I finally got a push in the right direction when, after doing the LBRP before going to bed for some grounding, I started meditating. I did this for about 30 minutes , but it only felt like an instant. I then went to sleep and had a lucid dream which then led to AP. There, I had a strange splitting sensation, and I started to view things from a third-person perspective. Someone then walked up to my "clone," who was dressed in black and blue (maybe of some significance), and the man asked my name. He replied with a simple, "Seif."

The next morning, I didn't remember this situation until I thought about which magickal name I would choose yet again. This all came to me in a rush as I remembered it, triggered by the thought of which I should choose. The answer was clear.

I don't know if my anecdote is helpful in any way, but just thought I would share it.


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