I would never do anything without some form of protection, just asking if the circle proper is offensive to them. Also, interesting that you explained to me the exact purpose of the triangle, now it makes sense. One thing that I wonder though- fairly simple forms evoke fairly simple and beneficent entities. What make the triangle different technically speaking? Why does it attract devils and the circle (supposedly) afford protection? I also disagree on spirits not being capable of sexual deviancy. Just read Paul's letter to the Corinthians (where he compares homosexuality to the watchers sin of taking women). There's even an archaic verse in that same letter who's meaning has become lost to the public after all these centuries, but seems to have made perfect sense to his audience (something on men treating women properly and assert authority on them or else the holy angels will feel "tempted", something on those lines, more of an insinuation than an actual command, try to find it).